
Stephen David Manning

This is the full journey – the most complete story of what the Fertility Wheel represents and how its discovery came to be. Take the time to read it at your own pace and let the knowledge absorb over time; it will be worth your while.


While slowly understanding and crafting the fertility wheel, I extensively researched diverse cultures and their beliefs. As a result, I discovered numerous intriguing connections to ancient religions, revealing their remarkable similarities.


I’m here to share something special, and I hope you’ll find it all as exciting, interesting, and inspiring as I do. I know at least some of you will.


After years of research, fine-tuning, and listening to ancestral wisdom speak through the stars, I have uncovered what I believe to be the truth behind the zodiac and its more profound and accurate meaning.


Over the course of this presentation, I will share with you a “new” but ancient alignment to the symbols of the zodiac, and that realignment is what allows the skies to speak to us, teach us, and ultimately help humans thrive, even in the face of considerable hardships. Through this careful realignment, I have successfully transformed and redeemed the symbols into a perpetual farmers’ almanac. This guide should be used as a supplementary calendar to guide farming.


The name changes,and
the Fertility Wheel emerges

I’ll start by explaining its new name; the “Fertility Wheel” was chosen to reflect its direct connection to the fertility of animals, the land, and plants. The name also acknowledges the valuable role that the Fertile Crescent played in the development of early civilizations.

I wanted to find a synonym for the word zodiac, which simply means wheel. So, I will now use the phrase Fertility Wheel to describe what I have created or revealed. It is important to understand that the Fertility Wheel is not a static symbol but rather a living testament to an ongoing relationship with humanity and nature’s natural rhythm.

Importantly, seven symbols have been clarified, and one has been changed completely. I associate a different month for each sign, and we align with the equinoxes and solstices. With these and other variations between the two zodiacs, it is evident that the current label “zodiac” is no longer appropriate as the intended objectives of each are significantly different or divergent. I gave it a name that describes its sole intent, to understand the fertility of the life around us, the Fertility Wheel. The animals are not random, as many scholars believed in the past, and they absolutely need to be in a specific order. 

It becomes a Fertility Wheel or perpetual farmers’ almanac if you understand how to use and align the symbols with the equinoxes and solstices. For every location in the northern hemisphere, the sheep/goat symbol begins on the fall equinox, shifting the whole wheel over five months. The sheep and goat are interchangeable in my wheel, not a singular animal. This is when they enter their rut or their peak mating time.


The introduction of seasonal breeders

I will share with you why this month is used for the goats and sheep, which are seasonal breeders. I could have solved this in minutes if I had initially remembered seasonal breeders. Seasonal breeders are horses, sheep, goats, cats, pigs, frogs, lizards, and most birds and deer. Cows are sometimes listed as seasonal breeders but have two distinct breeding times, although 80% breed in the spring. Fall mating of cows is often due to climate, weather, and necessity. It’s easy to see the correlation now. The rest of the symbols are easier to understand once you have a base.

The stars themselves are not the marker for the Fertility Wheel. The animals themselves will represent one of twelve different star clusters depending on where in the world you live. The one area where it is correctly calibrated is around 97 degrees longitude. The goat or sheep symbol is always after the fall equinox wherever you live because that is their peak mating time.

It is my belief that both the Fertility Wheel guide and the zodiac have their origins in, or near, the Fertile Crescent. This region is widely regarded as the cradle of civilization. Once we agree that these symbols represent the animals with the correct months, then if you understand precession, you will understand these two systems emerged at vastly different times. If this Fertility Wheel did exist in the past, it would have been pre-flood Earth, much older than we thought possible.

While slowly understanding and crafting the Fertility Wheel, I extensively researched diverse cultures and their beliefs. As a result, I discovered numerous intriguing connections to ancient religions, revealing their remarkable similarities.

Before I go any further, please understand that this new system is a multi-layered series of wheels inside wheels and will take some time to explain. I will cover much throughout this presentation, so I appreciate your patience as we weave through profound and subtle changes. At this point, you can let go of anything you understand to be true about the current zodiac, as we are now moving into an entirely different – and exciting – territory.


I hope you are intrigued. Now, to continue.

Shedding light on fertility in the Fertility Wheel

Let’s clarify a little about the sign of the woman and twins. The woman in this position, both her place on the wheel and the way she is sitting, is symbolic of the starting point of human reproduction. At the same time, Gemini, also referred to as the twins, signifies newborns born nine months after the appearance of the woman’s sign, symbolizing fertility and the resulting childbirth. This was humanity’s initial indication that the depiction was a Fertility Wheel. The twins needed to be portrayed as newborns rather than adults, as it would have been a simple clue for many to comprehend. Seasonal breeders are animal species that only mate during specific times of the year. Early spring is often the most optimal time for the animals to give birth because it allows for the survival of their offspring. Factors such as pleasant temperatures, food and water availability, and other environmental conditions are essential for ensuring successful breeding and offspring production. For many of these species, birthing occurs from February until May, shortly after new green growth appears and when temperatures are warm enough to reduce the risk of hypothermia in the young. This is also when grass and water become more abundant, especially around the spring equinox.  Knowing this, it is easy to understand its message. Now, for this wheel, the symbol on the zodiac wheel that appears as a centaur is, in fact, a representation of both a man and a horse. Each of these figures has its unique meaning and message. Notably, the horse symbol aligns seamlessly with the other animal symbols on the wheel. Similarly, the man holds significance in his respective month. However, the combination of the man and the horse conveys a third and equally vital message for that particular month. All three interpretations are critical in understanding the intricacies of the Fertility Wheel. These symbols are employed independently to comprehend diverse facets of the Fertility Wheel guide. For example, the goatfish and scales symbols should have been particularly challenging to decipher, but ultimately, they were not. With some time and research, I have successfully resolved the goatfish symbol and reimagined or changed the scales symbol to the correct animal needed to complete this system. This transformation proved to be the linchpin of the guide.

Anchoring the correct animal with the equinoxes

The Fertility Wheel is a valuable resource for comprehending the optimal timing for animal breeding, fishing, and basic farming techniques for growing crops. This information is critical for the survival and prosperity of any budding civilization. It shows the optimum time to plant and harvest wheat and possible dangers one might encounter through the months.  As stated above, it is a multi-layered wheel inside a wheel. 

The Fertility Wheel serves as a visual representation of agricultural and farming practices that align with the four seasons, as well as the position of the sun and stars. It’s essential to note that the order of animals and their respective time frames remain constant, similar to the spring equinox, which typically occurs around March 21st every year. Aligning the Fertility Wheel and its symbols utilizing the equinoxes and solstices as fixed reference points is an uncomplicated and straightforward process from any location on the globe. The sun is the source of all life, and knowing its movements enables farmers to enhance their crop yields and increase animal breeding efficacy.

I encourage everyone to look up seasonal breeders and basic farming techniques to validate my conclusions and verify my findings to discover the truth about the stars and how to use the Fertility Wheel and the stars to guide you. Once you redeem the wheel, it is easy to understand the original idea or intention. With understandable messages that relate to the symbols, the Fertility Wheel is a simple pictorial representation that conveys agriculture’s fundamental principles to literate and illiterate individuals and humans across time and all languages. Once each location finds its set point, it becomes a guide for humanity’s survival.

The key to future human survival

In the event of a world-altering catastrophe, the ability to calibrate with the sun and interpret and align visual images with the stars could serve as a means of sharing vital ideas or concepts that could form the basis for a new civilization. Moreover, unlike languages, which may become obsolete, pictographs have the potential to endure for centuries and can be deciphered and discovered over time.

Understanding the potential impact of cataclysmic events on future civilizations is crucial. By mastering the interpretation of visual imagery and aligning the Fertility Wheel, you can impart valuable insights and concepts that could serve as a bedrock for future generations to comprehend agriculture. The Fertility Wheel will remain a timeless guide. It is our duty to impart this knowledge in a way that is understandable to those who may need help understanding our language or those living in an era when it has become obsolete, forgotten, or misinterpreted. By teaching the significance of this knowledge and the art of aligning these symbols, we can ensure these ideas and concepts continue to inspire and lead humanity, even amid profound change and uncertainty.

To the guardians, watchers, observers, and chroniclers or keepers of information, I hope to share some knowledge with the world to benefit all who come across it. These ideas might soon be an anthropic principle because even I would like an explanation for the universe’s apparent fine-tuning.

I have been presented with a unique opportunity to bring into existence a wondrous agricultural tool for survival that has yet to be conceived of or witnessed by humanity in this timeline.

Significant changes for significant impact

What sets the Fertility Wheel apart from other zodiacs is its exclusion of the scales symbol, which has traditionally been a keystone symbol or representation in every historical zodiac. The scales probably meant the equality of the day and night, which happens on both equinoxes and that understanding has also been lost to time. The scales were positioned right after the spring equinox to let people know that light and darkness are equal and to have a gauge to “set the clock.” The Fertility Wheel clarifies the functional significance of the symbols, separating them from what evolved to be the zodiac as we know it today and dispelling any notions of mysticism or the occult.

I researched various traditions extensively to understand why the nomads, shepherds, and other herders considered the “goatfish” significant and why it is an appropriate name for the animal. However, for the sake of my wheel, I will refer to it by the name of this known animal common to the area, but I will keep it a mystery for just a few more minutes. It is crucial to recognize that the Fertility Wheel’s effectiveness depends on the alignment and the accuracy of its animal symbols, representing the months of the year. Originating from the Fertile Crescent, where the agricultural revolution first took root, the wheel’s twelve symbols were a reliable guide for early farmers. However, substituting one of these animal symbols with the scales or Libra emblem undermined the wheel’s two primary objectives, rendering it ineffective as a guide or tool. 

It is essential to understand that the creatures on the wheel are native to the Fertile Crescent, a region renowned as the birthplace of civilization. This area played a pivotal role in the evolution of our society from hunter-gatherers and fishermen to an agricultural-based community. This was where the roots of settled farming were established as people cleared and modified the natural vegetation to cultivate crops.  This region in the Middle East includes modern-day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait’s northern region, Turkey’s southern region, and the western portion of Iran.

The Fertility Wheel transcends religion

The Fertility Wheel conveys its message, and I have mine. I want to emphasize that my intention is not to influence your religious beliefs or lack thereof. The Fertility Wheel can serve as the foundation for various beliefs, with the stars or heavens guiding humankind. It provides insight into how the light of the sun influences marine and land life. It shows nature’s natural rhythm and when to plant wheat and oats in most places. The sun brings life to the world and all upon it. The zodiac and/or Fertility Wheel predated most organized religions and was a pictogram conveying important messages of cultivation and survival beyond any language. It was a guide to help all people live better lives.

For those who hold spiritual beliefs or have faith in a higher power, it is believed that celestial signs are bestowed upon us to provide guidance. I hope you can perceive this message as a divine sign from the heavens, and may it strengthen your trust in your faith. Meanwhile, if you place your trust in science, mathematics, and nature’s continual yearly rhythm, may this revelation bring you contentment and solace. Knowing that the vast majority of phenomena can be comprehended through acquired knowledge. There are those, like myself, who encounter and embrace both aspects.

This is a brief history of how I discovered the significance of the Fertility Wheel and the journey I took to comprehend its teachings

At this point, are you wondering how I came to these conclusions or what my sources are? Here’s where I’ll interject a bit of my own story. This concept of the Fertility Wheel called to me for many years before I had any reason to follow up on these nagging thoughts, inclinations, and the messages of my dreams.

To begin to understand the Fertility Wheel’s meaning and unlock this mystery, I needed the internet and time to research. Then came the pandemic, and suddenly, I had what felt like endless time. My access to extensive information on the internet and my fascination with astronomy and archaeoastronomy inspired me to notice the stars in a new way and study them from a different perspective. I lived around farmland and, later, the desert with lush and fertile mountains behind. Living near a fishing and crabbing community aided my understanding of the animals on the wheel. Living in the age of technology made research easily verifiable and enjoyable, and the pandemic gave me ample time to delve even deeper into the Fertility Wheel’s teachings.

My familiarity with the animals represented on the wheel stems from my experience living around all of them at one time or another. When I lived in Northern California, I frequently drove past farms, ranches, and pastures and was surrounded by people who worked in agriculture. As a result, I developed a basic understanding of farmers’ seasonal tasks and the rhythms of caring for these animals, which proved key in my interpretation of the Fertility Wheel.

Taking a leap of faith into the meaning and messages of my dreams and visions led me to understand how the sun and the Fertility Wheel can be invaluable guides for humanity. I was instructed to observe the eastern horizon when the first five stars become visible, which would indicate the rising constellation and associated Fertility Wheel symbol, marking the task for the month. By using my smartphone, I could track the precise position of stars on the horizon and watch the constellations in South Dakota, which has a longitude of approximately 97°. Being in a different longitude, even by 30°, would have incorrectly identified the month’s symbol. Only one of twelve areas in the world could see it correctly due to precession, so I had to be in the right place, at the right time, with the knowledge to understand the meaning. 

The stars move rapidly across the sky due to the Earth’s rotation, making it fortunate to be in the correct location to interpret what I saw. A star moves approximately 1° every 4 minutes or 15° in one hour. Therefore, to have a fixed point of reference for the stars’ positions, one should observe a specific group of stars at the same time every year, such as an equinox or solstice. In just two hours, the constellation on the horizon will change. 

I noticed the constellations or animal signs correlated with the depicted creatures’ mating season. The fish and crab signs accurately indicated the optimal time to catch them. Just before the spring equinox, I aimed my smartphone toward the horizon when five stars first appeared, and there, I noticed the Virgo constellation. My primary objective was to truly determine if I had found myself in the perfect location with the knowledge to comprehend the celestial signs correctly, distinguishing it from most other places in the world. If the animal signs aligned well, there may be a reason for the woman to be placed in this exact position.

Now let’s continue learning about the workings of the Wheel.

Meaning of Virgo

I knew the reasons for the animals’ positions, so now I had to find the justification for why a woman, and specifically which woman from the many stories and myths from ancient times, was to be represented before or after the spring equinox and why.

Upon researching the origin of the word Virgo, I discovered that “virgin” comes from the Latin and Greek “virgo” and means maiden or young and unmarried woman. We changed the meaning to “untouched,” but the term “virgin” held a distinct meaning in ancient times; it was a maiden or woman, nothing about her sexuality. 

Various goddesses, such as Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Astarte, Aset, Anahita, Aphrodite, and Diana, were goddesses of some combination of fertility, childbirth, sexuality, and more. These goddesses represented female empowerment. They embodied the essence of femininity and strength, serving as goddesses of fertility. In addition, each culture portrayed these goddesses with distinct traits that symbolized the aspects of femininity and power that were necessary or desired by their people.

I wanted to see if there was a link or connection between the depiction of a maiden, woman, queen, or goddess and the spring equinox in former times. Specifically, I aimed to discover whether the figure of Virgo, representing a woman, was associated with or featured in any ancient festivities during or around this month.

Several cultures use the spring equinox as the start of the new year. One example is the Iranian or Persian New Year, also known as Nowruz, which usually falls on the vernal equinox around March 20th. Other cultures that celebrate the new year around the spring equinox include the Kurdish New Year, the Balinese New Year, and the Hindu New Year in some regions of India. Additionally, the Jewish holiday of Passover, which falls in the spring, can be considered a celebration of the Jewish people’s liberation and their spiritual new year. Those examples were good, but I sought something more specific and ancient. I really needed the earliest recorded festival with a woman at the spring equinox.

Early versions of the Zodiac depict the woman holding a sheaf of wheat. Virgin wheat, also known as einkorn, is the first type of wheat cultivated by humans. This time of year was also called “The Furrow” and “Goddess Shala’s Ear of Grain,” indicating a strong connection to agriculture. Another clue to this association is the identification of Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, as Virgo. I thought to myself, could one of them be the inspiration of Virgo? I searched ancient religions and cultures, hoping to discover the correct connection between the maiden and the spring equinox.

Before developing an interest in the Fertility Wheel, I studied the Egyptian Aten sun disc, which I believe was a form of the Fertility Wheel, and later became one of the Egyptian zodiacs. In one depiction, their centaur has a scorpion tail and wings, and the man has a bow and arrow. I do not know what it was trying to represent, maybe the order of the animals. It seems mystical or magical to me. I was already fascinated by Egyptian culture and had started researching various aspects of their beliefs. Recently, I have developed some new theories after much research. While exploring the stories of Aten, the Egyptian Zodiacs, and the similarities between different cultures, I wondered about their origins and whether they may have originated in another, even older, civilization. To investigate this, I delved into the oldest cultures I could find, leading me to the Mesopotamians.

The earliest recorded new year festival, Akitu, dates back to around 2,000 B.C.E. in Mesopotamia, where the Sumerian new year began in the spring around the equinox. The New Year’s Festival Akitu centered around Dumuzid and Inanna. This celebration was a tribute to the love and fertility of the land and animals and was shared through ritual and mythology. One such ritual was the “sacred marriage” or “sacred sexual union” between the two deities, which was believed to guarantee the fertility of the land and its inhabitants. Also, Inanna was known to wave her wand over the land to enhance its fertility and everything upon it. So I began reading more about Inanna and Dumuzid. Inanna is the ancient Mesopotamian goddess associated with fertility, agriculture, and childbirth. Given her prominent role in these domains, it’s possible that she inspired the astrological sign of Virgo, which also depicts a woman holding a sheaf of wheat or a wand. Despite the sign’s association with virginity and the birth of twins, which can seem contradictory, it’s worth considering how Inanna’s multifaceted nature as a goddess of fertility, sex, and childbirth might have influenced the depiction and myth of the corrected meaning. This highlights astrological symbols’ rich cultural history and complexity and how they can draw on various mythological and religious traditions.

The Festival of Akitu was a traditional springtime celebration held during the spring equinox, which typically falls on March 21st. Initially, I questioned whether Virgo should be associated with the month before or after the spring equinox, from February 22nd to March 21st or March 22nd to April 21st, so I decided to do more research. After consulting the Encyclopedia Britannica, I discovered that Dumuzid and Inanna were known to celebrate their love between February and March. This is why I selected February through March to depict the woman, or maiden, symbol. This time fit perfectly, as you will see shortly. Based on my research and analysis, I believe that Inanna and her twin brother represent the equinoxes. Dumuzid represented the summer solstice, and his sister Ghestinanna was associated with the winter solstice. 

Inanna was also associated with fertility and agriculture, as symbolized by her waving of the scepter and the fertilization of the land and everything on it for the coming year. Understanding the reason behind the precise placement of symbols and their meaning was crucial for making the Wheel a guide or tool. Unfortunately, humanity has overlooked or ignored the vital clues of mothers and newborns. The association between the woman symbol and the birth of twins, occurring nine months after, is a significant aspect of recognizing or knowing it is a Fertility Wheel.

Let’s begin to weave things together; this next paragraph sums everything up, and then I’ll explain the individual signs

My theory is that the Fertility Wheel symbols were deliberately sequenced to provide valuable guidance for understanding seasonal breeding animals, crop farming, fishing, and potential hazards. Each land animal symbol represented the optimal months for the peak mating times of that animal depicted. It also correlates to when it is best for sowing and harvesting crops, including wheat, barley, oats, corn, and other grains. 

By harnessing the natural rhythms of the seasons, ancient cultures could successfully move through the seasons, keep themselves safe and secure enough food to supply the community, and pass this knowledge from generation to generation, ensuring our species’ propagation. These symbols on the wheel also indicated times of potential danger, such as storms, floods, or dangerous nocturnal creatures, allowing people to prepare and take necessary precautions. The careful sequencing of these symbols serves as a practical and essential tool.

So how do we use this Wheel to help start and support an agricultural community?

Animal farming, also known as animal husbandry, is the practice of breeding, managing, and caring for domesticated animals to produce valuable products such as meat, milk, skins, fiber, and animal waste for fertilizer. Farming, or crop husbandry, encompasses the knowledge and skills necessary for cultivating various crops, including the preparation of soil through techniques such as tilling and plowing to ensure optimal growth. A thriving farming process requires the selection of the right seeds and planting in nutrient-rich soil at the appropriate times. In addition, farmers, or anyone who wants to feed themselves and/or their community, must possess the necessary knowledge, tools, and equipment for harvesting, threshing, winnowing, and potentially storing the grain. 

Agriculture is the science of farming, including cultivating the ground for growing crops and raising animals to provide food, wool, and other products. This plays a symbiotic role with raising farm animals, as it involves using animal waste to fertilize the soil, and the plants and crops feed the animals and humans. Manure and fish parts, in particular, are natural fertilizers essential for maintaining fertile land and supporting the successful growth of crops. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the significance and importance of these practices to recognize how they contribute to the food system and community survival.  Having knowledge of the fishing season was necessary as alternate or additional food sources were needed for the winter months when starvation was common. Fishing was crucial as it enabled people to catch, prepare, and preserve enough fish to last for months by drying, smoking, or salting them. Additionally, the unused parts of the fish can be converted into natural fertilizer for crops, as they contain essential nutrients like nitrogen and trace minerals. The unused fish parts can be cut up, added to soil, crushed, and mixed with water to create a nutrient-rich fish fertilizer that nourishes and supports plant growth.

Shellfish are excellent sources of protein that can be harvested during the late fall through the winter months, providing a valuable addition to the food supply. Unused crab parts also make great fertilizer. The lions and scorpions in this region often killed both livestock and people. Keeping the people and animals in the community safe was another key component to ensuring survival and proliferation. The wheel highlights the peak mating period of these nocturnal and dangerous animals, which were very common in the area. This information can be valuable in educating people that these animals are often active at night. Learning about different dangers can help prevent potential encounters or accidents.

The Fertility Wheel also predicts flash floods, which can be both a blessing and a curse, as they can bring fertility to the land and pose a significant threat. These three potential dangers, namely, nocturnal predators, hungry lions, venomous scorpions, and flash floods, can pose a risk to people and livestock anytime and are active when you sleep and are unprepared.

All these practices correspond to humankind’s transformation and evolution from a simple fishing, hunting, and gathering society to one that now relied heavily on agriculture and animal husbandry practices. This transition marks a significant milestone in our cultural and technological development. Knowledge of the Fertility Wheel would help nomads start and settle a community.

It’s crucial to have a specific reason for the location of each symbol, with a valid explanation rooted in survival, farming, agriculture, and dangers that would greatly benefit all who understood the stars and the sun.

The animals and creatures must be in the positions stated. Having the woman and newborns fit perfectly within that pattern is miraculous and edifying and left me in amazement at how perfect this wheel is. To have every animal, sign, and symbol fit perfectly will help humanity understand nature’s natural rhythms and makes the wheel a gift from the heavens.

Here is when you may cease to be your known zodiac sign and understand the differences between the two. I am neither advocating for nor against the original zodiac, as The Fertility Wheel is an entirely different system. Here is how the Fertility Wheel should be aligned and where I clarify the signs and their new months.

I will now show the correspondence between the months and why each character must be in that specific position on the Fertility Wheel ​

My Message

My personal message is simple. I implore you to exhibit kindness, empathy, and compassion towards all living beings within reason. It is essential to prioritize knowledge and impart it to the younger generation, covering diverse subjects such as science, mathematics, and agriculture. Additionally, I advocate for charitable giving, which should be obligatory for those with sufficient financial means. Finally, I urge you to embrace differences, show empathy and respect towards all people, including those who are dissimilar to you, and do your utmost best to be a good, principled person. That was the presentation. If you have found this interesting, I will be sharing the Tree of Origin, which is also an amazing tool or guide that, for some reason, is not known. I have so much more to share with people, and I wish you all a good year. May peace be with you.

Thank you for your patience.

Stephen D. Manning

February 22 - March 21

Maiden, Woman, Goddess

March 22 - April 21

Cow, Bull, Ox

April 22 - May 21


May 22 - June 21

Man on a Horse

June 22 - July 21

Spiny-tailed Lizard

July 22 - August 22

Two Fish

September 22 - October 21

Sheep, Goat, Deer

October 22 -November 21

Cow, Bull, Ox

November 22 - December 21


December 22 - January 21


January 22 - February 21:
